Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Once more, with finesse

So after adding the skulls to the collar, I've really decided to head into a more voodoo feel with this character. Doing so I've decided to change the head of him from just a regular skull to an ornate voodoo skull mask. At first I had smaller horns and more timid feather, but with some great advice I tore away from trying to just draw over the under-drawing and not letting it confine me. I want to add more voodoo elements and really push the character and create his gimmick. Here is where I decided to stop today.

I had also tried to completely stop playing any sort of games and try to focus entirely on art. After a day of that I feel worn out and worried that if I continue to almost force art on myself, I won't learn anything and my art might become sloppy. I think that I need to continue to sharpen my overall skills, but I can't force art. I need to do everything as good as I can and put my heart on the canvas, but I can't force it. I can't force it but I can't neglect the art process either. I have to respect the art and hope to gain as much respect back.

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