Monday, July 8, 2013

I don't scare

So yesterday I did a greyscale of that character I was working on. I said that I was too intimidated to try and use color, well fuck that. I won't ever understand color if I never try to use it. Here I messed around with trying to color the head. Don't really know how it turned out. I don't think the eyes are right but it's a start. My girlfriend says I need to do something not evil. Next thing I draw will probably be something cute. Not sure what though yet. That will be all color too.

till next time.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Goblin Bard

Hello all,

This is a concept I've been playing with in my head for a while. Feels good to get it out of my head. I need to keep working and improving my digital work. I'm very intimidated by working digital because I'm still not confident enough to take things from greyscale to color. Soon though.

That aside, this is Zettick, he is a goblin bard. He is a bard that is attuned to the earth element. He is a rock bard. I didn't draw his guitar yet because I still haven't fully decided how I want it to look but with his guitar before he fights he hits the ground with it and two giant boulders come out of the ground that act as speakers for his performance. During fights while he is playing some awesome rock song if he chooses to he can use the whammy bar on his guitar to switch his song from buffing his allies to either debuffing or damaging his enemies.

He can also use crystals that can appear in front of his speakers to alter the affects of his songs. Different minerals can be used for different effects (thanks Junio!) . I really want to take this character and further develop him. But here he is for now. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Just a quick update to show i'm still alive. Haven't done any work on the computer but am always sketching lately while at work. Just two sketches i did today while there. One guy I called 'The Grand Seraphim'. Some sort of angelic creature.

The other character is one i've been working on for a while, I don't have a full name for him aside from him being 'The First Carved'. The idea was the first gargoyle that was ever created by a very powerful sect of Paladins. They carved him to protect their fortress from intruders while they were away on a pilgrimage or fighting evil. A long time has passed since he was first made, the paladin sect has long abandoned the fortress and he remains, guarding an empty fortress. He wasn't the only gargoyle made but as he was the first he commands the rest of the lesser ones that the sect made. None is as powerful as he and all obey his will. 

A cool idea I have been working on is to make his weapon a sort of mace that is made from like 3 gargoyles that land on the top of it and turn to stone to create the head of the mace. I had a sketch somewhere but I don't know where that is now.

Might as well show off all the stuff i've been doing. The next character is a sort of monk character, as a right of passage all of the young males in the village must undergo a ritual where they endure a terrible pain by some deadly ethereal snake things. They must put their hands in this box with two of them and last a certain amount of time (maybe some sort of chant) and then also not die. . . cause that would be them failing too lol. Anyways, this dude (the story I have somewhere is much more thought out) put his hands in there and didn't wince in pain or anything like that, cold stone face like a boss. When the elders opened up the box the snakes were gone! But his hands were all black and shit now. The ethereal snake things have fused with him and now he can control snake powers and stuff when he fights. He has long hair and uses two small snake things to tie his hair back. When he fights he can do a sort of two handed palm thing to his enemy, the snakes (oh yeah they look like an awesome tattoo on his arms also) then leave his arms and transfer to his enemy, they then make some sort of tattoo on the enemie's chest or whatever and cause them to writhe in pain until they die. Or if he calls them back.

This dude is a swordsman whos can use his demon arm or some sort of elemental power to infuse his sword when he attacks. The sword is the main part that I was focused on when making this guy, I think it looks awesome. he holds it with the separate handle and the strap holds onto him and the sword kinda like how a guitar strap holds on, but maybe not as tight. And when he is just traveling or whatever the sword would hang behind him like a guitar would for a traveling music player man. In some of the later sketches i've done He doesn't have the arm with eyes thing (the eyes would open depending on which element he is using for his attack while the rest stay closed). But I might go back to that, it looks pretty sick. 

Anyways those are some of the sketches and things pouring out of my brain. I don't know who reads this if anyone does but there ya go. Enjoy and thanks for checking this out. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Skullgirl! Kinda.

Man, It's been amazing to see how well the Skullgirls fundraiser has gone. If you didn't know, the skullgirls team has been working on the game without pay for about a year now. They decided to try out a fundraiser on indiegogo to get out a new character they had started on before they lost their jobs (along with stretch goals for the first male character and a third at a much higher price). Today, they hit the goal for Big band! 375k with about 14 more days to go! It's really amazing to see.

So in honor of that I decided to do a sketch of one of the mystery characters that is a possibility for the 3rd slot. The bee chick Q bee 5 way air dasher herself. Hive.

I want to add color soon because a color like yellow seems like it will be fun to paint.

Go donate! They are such an amazing and transparent team that deserves every penny (and then some!).

Monday, February 18, 2013


So I realized yesterday that I have never really tried my hand or actually knew how to draw a dragon. As silly as that is I don't think I ever sat down and studied what a damn dragon is, or at least how to start them.

I started by taking a picture of a simple lizard and tried to alter it after sketching that out a bit. Taking the start of it and making it look more fierce and gong from there. This is something I need to work on more, using real life animal reference and making fantasy creatures and shit.

Well here I guess is a dragon.